RESTRICTIONS Board and Council members shall not to serve in any other volunteer role at the same time (this does not apply to board liaison roles), unless expressly stated in the NANN Bylaws or is a Board/Council designated position. This includes NANN chapter officer positions. Exceptions can be made by the NANN President upon the approval of the NANN Board of Directors, or the NANN-AP Council Chair upon the approval of the NANN-AP Council. Service on a task force may be made upon approval by the designated leadership body – either the NANN Board of Directors or NANN-AP Council.
DESIRED CANDIDATE ATTRIBUTESCandidates should demonstrate Leadership Competencies:
In addition to the Leadership Competencies, in order to create a well-rounded leadership body, the NANN Nominations Committee reviews each applicant's Nursing Competencies to ensure diverse and varied perspectives are represented:
Strategic Competencies are desired for incoming Board members in order to support the ongoing strategic plan:
TRAVEL REQUIREMENTSThe NANN Board meets in-person at the NANN Annual Conference (September 10-12, 2025). Required travel expenses will be reimbursed by the Association.
Natalie Glaid staff nglaid@connect2amc.com
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