Call for Authors: NANN-AP Workforce Position Paper

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Signup Deadline: 12-02-2024
Starts: 01-06-2025
Ends: 01-06-2026
Location: Online Opportunity


NANN-AP is seeking experienced professionals to contribute to the development of a new workforce position paper. This paper will provide comprehensive guidelines for neonatal nurse practitioners (NNPs) on critical staffing issues. Key topics will include recommended staffing levels, patient ratios, maximum work hours, and acuity considerations across all levels of neonatal care.

In addition to the position paper, authors will develop an actionable companion piece (Action Plan) designed to assist NNPs in initiating discussions with organizational leadership within their units and organizations to promote patient and workforce safety and implement the recommended guidelines.

Volunteer Requirements

We are looking for authors who represent various facets of advanced practice, including:

·       Neonatal Nurse Practitioners: Experienced NNPs who can provide expertise, insight, and recommendations on workforce issues.

·       Leadership/Management: Professionals currently in leadership/management roles who can provide insights into policy and administrative perspectives.

·       Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS): Experts who can contribute clinical expertise and practical applications.

·       Academic Faculty: Educators who can bring evidence-based practices and educational frameworks to the discussion.

·       Researchers/Scientists: Professionals who can incorporate relevant data and research to support the position paper.

Additional Information

No prior volunteer experience is necessary. We encourage professionals with a passion for neonatal care and workforce safety to join us in creating this essential resource.

What is the time commitment?

·        Minimum time commitment is one year with the expectation of monthly virtual meetings and any additional meetings as required for the project.

Volunteers Needed:

5 (5 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Volunteer Experience




Jenny Silver

Nominate Volunteers

Do you know someone who would enjoy this unique opportunity?