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Use of mother's milk / breastfeeding with substance abuse

By Tammy Casper posted 07-12-2013 03:36 PM


I am interested to hear from other units regarding practices of the use of mother's milk with known substance use. 

1.  Do other units allow the use of mother's milk/breastfeeding with known use marijuana?  
2.  Do other units allow the use of mother's milk/breastfeeding with known use of opiates and of other substances outside of a methadone and buprenorphine?

Thanks so much!


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10-28-2013 07:03 PM

We do not allow the use of breast milk in moms with + UDS

09-15-2013 08:39 PM

We have a large isam population. We do not allow mothers to breast feed that have positive uds unless they have a prescription for the drug that is positive. Marijuana will be an interesting issue since it is now legal in a few states.

09-11-2013 07:33 AM

Hello Tammy,
Presently in our NBN and NICU area we have revised our policy looking at harm reduction to the infant. In a fair nuber of our population marijuana is present. Our current policy takes into account a through history with discussion about the harms of using any illegal substance with breastfeeding from the multidisciplinary team. We do look at risk vs benifits and do utilize some parents breastmilk. We have a firm stance with NOT allowing moms with cocain use to breastfeed and Heroin at this point. Other illegal substances we detrmine based on Hx etc.