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The Effort to Get a National Nurse for America

By Laura Stokowski posted 03-31-2012 01:06 PM

A grassroots effort, started by nurses, has been gathering steam since 2005 to have a National Nurse in the United States. Someone who would help our country get healthier. It's what we all do with patients every day, but on a bigger scale. Now, there is a bill in the House of Representatives to establish a National Nurse, and it really needs some support from nurses.
This week, I spent 2 days on the Hill with 7 other nurses, meeting with health legislative aides to our Members of Congress, to try to increase support for this bill. Many of them said they would like to hear from their constituents. That's you. When 2 of us from Viginia met with the health aide of a Virginia representative, he signed on as a cosponsor within an hour of our meeting. It's very, very important for elected leaders to hear what their constituents want. They work for you. They are elected by you.

If a National Nurse is something you support, please consider sending an email to your Member of the House of Representatives, asking him or her to cosponsor this bill. The bill is very short, so it's a good one to read if you  want to learn more. You can find it here. HR 3679  To send an email very easily, visit the National Nurse "Take Action" website,

Thanks for advocating!  Here is a picture I took in DC

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06-26-2013 01:49 PM

Thank you for posting this information so that we can participate and let our voices be heard.