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Do You Have 5 Minutes to Prevent Sudden Infant Death?

By Laura Stokowski posted 02-20-2012 07:09 PM

I just sent 3 letters to my elected officials asking for their support for an important piece of legislation and it took me LESS THAN 5 MINUTES. I'm not kidding. From beginning to end, 5 minutes of my time. I waste more time than that flipping through TV channels to see what's on. 

People often say they would like to become involved in advocacy but they just don't have time. When advocacy is this easy, though, that excuse just doesn't hold up anymore.

If you don't believe that advocacy can be that easy, and still be effective, then try it yourself, just this once.
Here's the issue: bills have been introduced in the US House and Senate known as the Stillbirth and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Prevention, Awareness, and Education Act. This bill will raise public awareness about safe sleeping environments for infants, among other things, something I think we can all agree is extremely important.

NANN has partnered with an advocacy group called the CJ Foundation, and their Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood Program on this issue. Similar legislation has been introduced before, but failed to become law. WE CAN CHANGE THIS.
All you have to do is click on this link:

You will be taken to a page that asks for your name and address, and from just that information alone, it will automatically send letters of support to your 2 Senators and your House of Representative Member. You will even get an email confirmation that the letters have been sent. You don't even have to know who your Senators and Member are!You don't have to write the letters! Staff in the Congressional offices count HOW MANY letters of support they get, so NUMBERS MATTER.

If we could mobilize our membership to take this one easy step, imagine the impact of thousands of letters showing up in email boxes in Washington, DC. We truly could change the outcome for this legislation, and save babies' lives. Don't wait - do it right now!



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