
Calculation Weights

By Kristin Carnall posted 03-27-2014 09:36 AM

Hi, All :)

Does anyone have experience with your neonatologists using multiple calculation weights for TPN, intralipids, total fluid, continuous drips (pressors, sedation, etc.) on the same patient?  For example, in the NICU that I work in, we are finding that our neos sometimes use one weight for total fluids, one for pressors, and one for sedation drips with the rationale of wanting the patient to "grow out" of medication doses.  I'm on the Clinical Practice Council for my unit and we are worried about the risk for potential error with having to keep track of the different calc weights for each line change. 

I appreciate any input you might have about current trends and/or how you handle risk for medication errors in this situation.

Kristin Carnall, BS, RNC-NIC


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